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Search Results for: felix

The Sacred in the Mundane

Growing up Catholic I was taught that today is All Saints’ Day. As an agnostic adult I vastly prefer the Day of the Dead angle. But as I get older I have more and more dead to remember.
My brother Tom.
My stillborn son Felix.
All of my grandparents and great uncles.
High school friends Jennifer, Chris, Josh and [...]

Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?

We’ve had a rough start to the week, and year. Seems to have become an annual tradition. 2006? My son Felix was stillborn. 2007? My ex-husband moved out and my cat died. 2008? Projectile vomiting (with no alcohol involved). 2009? A broken picture window. 2010? An injured appendage. This time around it’s my potentially broken [...]

The Quicker It Hits You

The last week or so I’ve had a recurring dream…of the house I grew up in. The upstairs, in particular, where my brother’s room was. Until his senior year, that is, when he went away to die horribly in the hospital. He was still seventeen when diagnosed with leukemia and eighteen when it killed him. [...]

The Heartache and the Hope

My movie-going experiences yesterday couldn’t have been more different, even though both were at the same theater. I met up with a friend early in the morning and had a Twilight ticket in hand by 9:30am. There were no hordes of squealing teens and tweens. Just a quiet, wide open lobby. And a nearly empty [...]

I Can Hold a Thunderhead in My Heart

It’s become increasingly difficult to remain on good terms with my ex/former best friend. That makes me sad. For the little man as much as for myself. This is only worsening my current low energy-high anxiety combo. Which in turn makes getting things done nearly impossible. Yet the To Do list is never ending. I [...]

Fighting Against the Shadows

This week has been brutal. I’m beginning to feel like Marvin, the paranoid android, from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Both paranoid and depressed. But not with a brain the size of a planet. That’s where we differ.
But really, yesterday could not have been a happy one. It was the two year anniversary of [...]

Wanting Things Too Much is a Form of Sadness

What a week, chock full of longing and loss and general unpleasantness. A good friend’s cat is dying. I’ve got a fever and bacterial sinus infection. And somehow a strange sort of milestone snuck up on me. Eighteen months. Eighteen months since Felix died and was removed from my body via c-section. Not long afterwards [...]


One year ago today I was admitted to the hospital. Felix was already gone.

Life is Like

What a day. Beautiful yes, but also draining. The little man and I started things off with blueberry pancakes, followed by a walk to the coffee shop and then on to the playground. And that was all grand but then we moved on to the tough stuff. The memorial service for Felix. There was something [...]

Hope is Important

Last night I went out to see The Chambermaids with some friends, which was lovely (despite the small turnout) but my Saturday has been decidedly more somber. The husband’s been uncharacteristically motivated. This is a good thing, to be taken advantage of. But we’ve been cleaning out a long-neglected storage area. One that contains the [...]