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Monthly Archives: December 2021

The Past is a Map

Last December I only posted once to this blog, and it was surprisingly hopeful and upbeat. Unfortunately, I feel less optimistic heading into 2022. At this time last year we were on the cusp of rolling out vaccines. This month I know several fully vaccinated people with breakthrough cases of COVID, thanks to the omicron [...]

All Stories End

Usually I celebrate the solstice. But my good friend Matt Gray died yesterday. While I very much want to celebrate him, I’m still reeling. Last week I was able to join a Zoom with Matt, to tell him how much I loved him and how much his friendship meant to me. Matt said he loved [...]

Turn to the Light

Friday we experienced our first significant snowfall of the season. Roads were treacherous. So I postponed plans with the person I’ve been seeing. It’s more important that we both be safe than risk a car accident. Especially now, when hospitals are full of COVID patients. Thankfully, some fully vaccinated friends live nearby and were willing [...]

A Kite Dancing in a Hurricane

Early in 2020, I opted out of dating. After expending too much energy, yet again, attempting to change someone who couldn’t or wouldn’t meet my needs. Then the pandemic made it uniquely easy to roll with my singledom. But recently I reconnected with an old acquaintance. The pieces are falling into place. It has been [...]