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Monthly Archives: December 2003

Loyal Subjects Flock To ‘rings’ Finale

I’d rush out to the first show of the day if I could…but must wait until late this afternoon. The most crucial piece of the equation…we need someone to mind the little man. Today’s celebrity co-host will be my father-in-law (thank you thank you thank you), who has to work until 3 or so. [...]

Expert Knob Twiddlers

I need something interesting to focus on. Among the stack of books at my bedside, none is currently grabbing me. This is bad. In winter, and especially during tough times, I need a good dose of escapism more than ever. Online distractions can offer only so much. There’s nothing like curling up with a [...]

She’s Gone Where The Goblins Go

Time to rejoice…today is the last day I have to take my gut-rot inducing bizarro-world antibiotics. Never before have I been prescribed something with so many ridiculous restrictions: Do not take within two hours of eating; Do not take with antacids, multivitamins, calcium, iron, or magnesium products; Medication should be taken while standing or [...]

The Ballad Of A Ladyman

After seeing that the cool kids had done it, I couldn’t resist taking this quiz…nor was I particularly surprised by the results.

You’re a Riot Grrl. You love the rockin’ sound of loud women, and rightfully so. You’re probably an activist of some sort. And yes, you’re right, not all Riot Grrls are lesbians. [...]

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

It seems damn near impossible to get the husband’s attention, unless we’re in the same room. Shouting from another room, loud as my voice can be, doesn’t always do the trick. I have to contend with closed doors (to keep the cats out of the cat-free zones) and air purifiers that are invariably running. [...]

No Monster-storms Are Brewing For The Forseeable Future.

The weekend was pretty quiet, with most of it spent recuperating…and attempting to catch up on some badly-needed sleep. To that end we even turned the phones’ ringers off for a while. There were a few rough patches, but things seem to be smoothing themselves out. The green tea helped. Just the small amount [...]

You’re My Only One

My body is totally out of whack. Can’t seem to regulate my temperature. It’ll suddenly spike to feverish highs, then plunge to shaky, shivering lows. One strange side effect has been very vivid dreams, that I can recall in detail. I just woke up from one in which I’d gone to a Saturday night [...]

The Countdown Begins

Things to look forward to: Five days until The Return of the King. Well, the mini version anyhow. It’ll be nearly another year before we get to see it as it was meant to be seen, in all its extended glory. Seven days until my badly needed haircut. Speaking of which, where the heck [...]

A Subzero Start

Today I am up before the little man. Usually it’s the other way around. He is such a morning person. Happily he’s content playing in his room until mommy can get herself in gear. He generally doesn’t have too long to wait (maybe a half hour or an hour). But due to the recent [...]

I’ve Had Better Days, Part Three

I am ok. Well, as ok as I can be under the circumstances. When unwelcome forces act upon by body (tattoo needles, flu bugs, food poisoning, invasive medical procedures) my body reacts by puking. Or preparing to puke. Sometimes I can stop it as I feel my gorge rising. This afternoon I have been [...]