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Expert Knob Twiddlers

I need something interesting to focus on. Among the stack of books at my bedside, none is currently grabbing me. This is bad. In winter, and especially during tough times, I need a good dose of escapism more than ever. Online distractions can offer only so much. There’s nothing like curling up with a good book. I’m going to pencil in a trip to the library for tomorrow (before the husband and I venture out to see The Return of the King, which will certainly make for an excellent distraction for a few hours). Until then I’ve been keeping myself occupied with a few items of note.
Read a winter story by David Sedaris, written for the New Yorker…and been re-reading some of his essays in Me Talk Pretty One Day.
Read an amusing interview by Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket) of Jack Black in The Believer.
Went on to read an interesting interview of Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler himself…which made reference to Brideshead Revisited, and made me remember that my step-mother has been trying to get me to watch it for ages. I do have a love/hate relationship with Jeremy Irons, after all. Considering borrowing the mini-series, and/or the book, from the library tomorrow.
Discovered some music I hadn’t realized the husband had…by Mike and Rich (the latter is Richard D. James of Aphex Twin fame). I quite like it.
Watched a sketchy preview for Spider-Man II and found myself excited, despite the poor quality.
Currently so tired I could fall asleep in my chair…but I know that I’ll run into problems as soon as I transfer my sorry self to the bed. Sigh.