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The Countdown Begins

Things to look forward to:
Five days until The Return of the King. Well, the mini version anyhow. It’ll be nearly another year before we get to see it as it was meant to be seen, in all its extended glory.
Seven days until my badly needed haircut. Speaking of which, where the heck did my trusty hairbrush get to? It’s been missing for weeks. I’ve been using a cheap comb in its stead, but my hair is so thick the pathetic thing is now permanently bent in the middle.
Eight days until my first annual Japanese Film Fest/Vegan Potluck. This year’s event will be in honor of two good friends who we’ll be seeing for the first time in ages, as they’ve been living abroad. Very much looking forward to that reunion.
Twelve days until I meet my newest niece.
Thirteen days until I reacquaint myself with another niece, who will be visiting the frozen hinterlands for the first time in two years.
Hopefully almost no time at all before poor fucked Chuck gets the bulk of his blog back (yet another reason for me to stick with my static html pages. Some may think it’s clunky and ineffecient, the way I compose in notepad and copy and paste onto the server via pico, but at least it’s all there…no deleting my blog with the click of a button. My condolences, Chuck).
And nineteen days until this godforsaken rollercoaster ride of a year is over. And good riddance to it.