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Monthly Archives: January 2008

Fighting Against the Shadows

This week has been brutal. I’m beginning to feel like Marvin, the paranoid android, from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Both paranoid and depressed. But not with a brain the size of a planet. That’s where we differ.
But really, yesterday could not have been a happy one. It was the two year anniversary of [...]

The Little Girl Who Stubbed Her Toe in the Dark

I can’t begin to count the ways today has gone wrong. Why is it always everything all at once? But I’ve had enough, thank you. I want off now. I plan to take a long, hot shower, and when I emerge I will pretend everything is a-ok. To that end…
Five good things:

I’m way behind on [...]

A Prisoner of Hope

The weekend was mostly awesome, as predicted. Friday night the little man and I had dinner with J. The lad stayed behind while I ran over to Ericka’s art opening for a bit. Totally fun. Saturday was the usual cupcakes and sledding. That both have become regular occurrences in my life only proves that my [...]

In What from Where?

I have unintentionally upheld my annual tradition of hurling on or around New Year’s, even though I don’t drink. This time the projectile vomiting started AT WORK on Wednesday. Gah. And continued at the little man’s school, when I retrieved him from childcare. And went on and on at home. It’s the hugely fun “food [...]