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The Little Girl Who Stubbed Her Toe in the Dark

I can’t begin to count the ways today has gone wrong. Why is it always everything all at once? But I’ve had enough, thank you. I want off now. I plan to take a long, hot shower, and when I emerge I will pretend everything is a-ok. To that end…

Five good things:

  • I’m way behind on my This American Life listening. I plan to remedy that this evening. That’s something to look forward to.
  • I am a fan of The Knife and was happy that the Fabulist posted these awesome covers of Heartbeats.
  • MonsterHoodies: so cute it’s scary.
  • Weird fishes indeed…fishpering (like whispering).
  • A new friend is hosting a dinner party soon, complete with fancy vegan options. And there will be desserts by Sheela!

Bonus: Amanda has been perusing some new blogs, which, in turn, is giving me plenty of fresh material to read.
Plus: Posting photos to 365 days is fun but I’ve also enjoyed paging through the pool. It’s interesting to see what others have done, and there are a few gems to be found.
And: American Apparel baffles me. This morning I saw a banner ad touting high waisted shorts and unitards. The hell? It’s like bizarro world stripper wear. Kids these days.


  1. amanda wrote:

    Fresh bloggy material is awesome :) And a long, hot shower cures just about anything, in my opinion. Hope it did the trick for you!

    PS: I once had a hard-working colleague who feigned laziness and said all he needed to take a sick day off work was to stub his toe. Ever since then, stubbing my toe always makes me chuckle a bit (once the swearing stops) and I think, “sick day!”

    Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 8:45 pm | Permalink
  2. Joe wrote:

    “bizarro world stripper wear” Heh.

    Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 1:22 am | Permalink
  3. Joe, I wasn’t gonna link to it…but, c’mon. I mean, really now.

    Amanda, that is hilarious! I stub my big toes all the time. And have broken my pinky toes more than once. But the line actually came from Abraham Lincoln. He wrote about the little boy who stubbed his toe in the dark…about being too old to cry, but hurting too much to laugh. That was me yesterday.

    Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 2:00 pm | Permalink
  4. It figures. Tonight I actually did stub my big toe. And it’s bleeding. Sick day? Nah.

    Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 9:07 pm | Permalink

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