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Monthly Archives: May 2005

On Swimming Against The Stream Of Time

I have to admit…I had a frustratingly asstastic weekend. My timing was lousy, none of my plans panned out, and, just generally, there seemed to be a black cloud lingering overhead (which hasn’t entirely dissipated yet).

The little man and I were excited about a neighbor boy’s birthday party. I had the time right, but [...]

It Rained On Our Parade

I’m a big old wuss. This morning I woke up to find that a) I was out of coffee and b) it was raining. So my gloomy uncaffeinated self decided we would skip the Cinco de Mayo parade. And now I have guilt. We haven’t done anything fun yet today (but I hope to [...]

The Proof Of Enduring Relevance

Looks like a trip to Brooklyn will be in order, for the Fall of 2006. Stephin Merritt’s musical adaptation of Coraline, by Neil Gaiman, will be playing. Other Merritt news of merit, via Pitchfork, is purely operatic.
Yesterday afternoon the weather was simply gorgeous and, as such, a good time to be out and [...]

I Like Long Walks And Sci-fi Movies

The weather is finally turning around and becoming more Spring-like. A walk to the park with the little man is in order for this evening. Accompanied, perhaps, by some photo-taking. I fear my photostream is becoming sort of…stagnant.
If I can stay awake long enough, I’m also going to attempt to view my latest [...]

With A Shrug And A Smile

Saturday afternoon I found myself flying solo, but at least I was able to see The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I’ll admit, I’d peeked at a few reviews. Most warned me to expect something…well…uneven. They weren’t totally wrong. But as a long time fan (of the radio series, books, BBC television series, etc.) [...]