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Monthly Archives: July 2003

Awakening The Dragon

My earlier fears were not unfounded. It *was* one of those days. Not a complete loss, mind you. But still. I had it in my head that taking the boys to the Dragon Festival would be fun for the whole family. There’s much I would have liked to have seen, but the little man [...]

Snips And Snails, And Puppy Dog Tails

This morning I awoke to see my son, my sunshine, light of my life…emerging from the computer room, with a screwdriver in hand and a smile on his face. I quickly snatched the screwdriver away and rushed into the room. So far I haven’t detected any damage, to the little man or to the [...]

Forever, Said The Duck

Paid a visit to my favorite lending library this evening. It can be a bit frustrating at times, as the stacks aren’t organized very well. Or at all, really…considering the books are haphazardly strewn about the edges of a spare bedroom (cum computer room). Still, I can always find a few titles to suit [...]

I’m A Loner Dottie, A Rebel

Our weekend included: a big adventure. Dawdling. Raspberry picking. Many mosquito bites. Further friendster fixation. Futzing. Extreme klutziness. Uber crankiness. Scavenging. Playground mishaps and mayhem. Powerpuff Girl bandaids. Mac’n’cheeze. Spray’N’Wash. Strange sleep patterns. Ongoing Evergreen addiction. Hiccups. FFX. Thrift store shopping. Italian for beginners…and perfect pirates. Yarr.

I’ve Lived On A Dirt Road All My Life

So that’s an outright lie, but I was on a dirt road last night…and the Manitoba song of the same name goes nicely with the photo I took of it. We set out on a mini road trip to visit friends and got a little lost along the way…but were back on track before [...]

Shiver Me Timbers

I’m making up the rules as I go along. And thus have decided that matinee movies are allowed, occasionally, within the parameters of the new budget. Especially when they star not one, but two of my Hollywood boyfriends…as in the case of “Pirates of the Carribbean“. I am powerless to resist the pull of [...]

A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free

I’ll admit it…as uncool as it is…I do not own a functioning turntable. The one I’ve got has been broken for years. Been meaning to fix it, but now I’m too broke too. Perhaps it’s for the best. There are too many temptations out there. Pitchfork reports a new Elliott Smith single is due [...]

An Awkward Evening Of Romance

Yes, more distractions for the permanently distracted. First, friendster, which I was invited to join recently. It seems to be part online community/part dating service, and everyone and their brother is signed up. I’ve already heard from a couple of people I haven’t seen in years. And the fact that their server is down [...]

All For Swinging You Around

Potential distractions abound lately, and with my newfound freedom I would like to partake of them. Alas, I’m going to need to rein in my spending. So I skipped the New Pornographers show Saturday night, as well as Jay’s latest performance. But I still needed to get out of the house. Opted for a [...]

When You’re In The Dark And You Want To See

We had a fairly strange fourth. It had been miserably hot and muggy on the third…so we threw in the towel and installed the a/c units (we being J). We also pulled the little man’s mattress into our bedroom, so we could share the magical cooling powers of a/c, and hopefully each catch a [...]