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I’ve Lived On A Dirt Road All My Life

So that’s an outright lie, but I was on a dirt road last night…and the Manitoba song of the same name goes nicely with the photo I took of it. We set out on a mini road trip to visit friends and got a little lost along the way…but were back on track before too long. As long as we’ve known these folks they’ve been wanting to buy a house. For a while the usual stuff was getting in the way (student loans, credit card debt). This year they were finally able to make it happen, but the market is insane. I’m lucky to have scored my house when I did, even if certain folks think I live in the leper colony (you know who you are). Houses have been going up 20-40% every year since I bought mine. So when our friends were looking they had to cast their net further and further out. They wound up in an outer-ring suburb with a rural feel. But they’ve got a gorgeous house, and a movie theater, with stadium seating, within walking distance. Not too shabby.
I've lived on a<br />
dirt road all my life