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Monthly Archives: February 2010

Lost In The Hustle

Yesterday morning’s slog through winter was extremely slow but manageable. It was the evening commute that was brutal. The boy and I spent a total of 45 minutes with the car stuck in snow banks. The first time was near his school bus stop, post pick-up, when I swerved to avoid an oncoming school bus. [...]

Filling In The Blanks

Completely spaced out on the deadline to drop off submissions for the MIA’s Foot in the Door 4 exhibit. The deadline is today. I plan to rummage through the big box of my photo prints and see if I have anything that might be worthy but time is running out and I am still in [...]

Thinking The Light

Last night we found out that Parker’s first biological first cousin had been born, the night before. Another boy, but in California. This is his paternal uncle’s offspring. Our very small family has grown just a little bit. But it would have been nice for Parker to have a cousin or two closer in age, [...]

Time To Fight

Frustrations abound but I’m not about to roll over and take it lying down. Take that numerous nebulous threats to my sovereignty and solvency! I shake my fist at you! Grrrrrr!
In news of the weird and/or happy, five fun things for this Thursday:

A Hello Kitty chainsaw? OH HELL YES! With that baby by my side [...]

Curiosity At A High Velocity

This morning my son looked at his calendar and noticed that today is Groundhog Day…just as I was about to declare it myself. Then I attempted to show him photos of groundhogs and he was baffled. He’d been expecting something porcine, which makes sense, given the name. Speaking of names…I knew that they are often [...]

Turning Into The Spin

As we enter this month of LAMEuary, I could do without the severe deficit of funds and the surplus of anxiety, but that’s what I’ve got to work with. And so I’ll do what I can.
Thankfully some things do help lift my spirits. Like:

Saturday’s Art Sled Rally 2010 in Powderhorn Park. My son and [...]