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Monthly Archives: July 2002

Don’t Mess With The West Side

A friend pointed out this article to me. It’s a follow-up to the violence that touched my neighborhood on the 4th of July. The religious tone of the article put me off a bit…but I shouldn’t be too surprised. For years the area has been a Catholic stronghold. Getting past that, the message was [...]

Mason Monkey

This is exciting stuff. A good friend of mine (who happens to be the kind host of this site) has written a geeky book. It’s being published by O’Reilly in October. The entire book will be freely available online soon, which is very cool, but you could also buy a copy. If you’re into [...]

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light

I remember a little of my dreams last night…and they didn’t contain the usual suspects. First off, the main star was a friend of mine who is in Taiwan for the summer. We were, apparently, celebrating her birthday (which was back in April) at her parents’ house in the burbs. It was very late [...]

Now With 66.6% More Bad Luck

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, it was, you know. Though I guess most nights are dark. And many are stormy this time of year. Anyhow, we’d had a dinner party at a certain someone’s place last night. Aferwards we left, en masse, without anyone thinking to turn on the porchlight. The [...]

I Need A Vacation…

…from myself, perhaps. I am the spazz queen. I know that. I can usually handle it. When I say or do something incredibly stupid in front of people who know and love me, at least. Like last night. The evening was going well. The weather was somewhat milder. Our little trio took a pleasant [...]

That Explains It

I blame it all on the Mayas. Yeah. It has nothing whatsoever to do with my lack of will-power. “Humans developed a fondness for chocolate about 2,600 years ago when the Mayas used earthenware teapots to prepare cacao drinks, American researchers said Wednesday.”

Mr. Clean

We’re into day two of the window washer guy freaking me out. Sometimes he slowly creeps up. Other times I’ll be thoroughly engrossed in what I’m doing, eyes glued to one monitor or the other, and won’t see him coming…he’ll just appear out of thin air. Either way, it makes me jump. Every time. [...]

Inching Up

Yesterday I had my first annual physical, with someone other than my trusted long-time ob/gyn (the woman who delivered my son), since she moved out of state. She moved on to bigger and better opportunities and I am happy for her. Really, I am. But finding the right ob/gyn, for me, is fraught with [...]


First off, just scanned my recent posts. No, I’m not on Aussie time. I’ve just been in such a fog I didn’t even know what day it was (those errors have been corrected, sorry for any confusion). Even if I had been privy to that information, I wouldn’t have known about the off-the-radar instore [...]

Gravity Is Getting Me Down

That was the fortune that greeted me when I logged in this morning…causing me to smile in spite of myself. Aside from feeling like crap the day hasn’t been all bad. Good things are happening on the Buffy front. First of all, Caroline recently launched the informative Whedonesque. Today I learned from it that [...]