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Monthly Archives: April 2002

Happy Earth Day

Find an event in your area. Or, better yet, check out Big Game SUV Hunting. Many thanks to Prentiss for finding that gem.

Some Roads Will Remain Slick

Crappy weather + severe allergies + general sickness = general suckiness. There were some highlights over the weekend, though. Friday: BBQ tofu. Blowing bubbles off the deck. Swinging on the swingset. Reading.Saturday: French toast w/smart bacon for breakfast. Retrieved the boyfriend. The three of us went to see Billy Bragg in the afternoon (with [...]

Word Freak

Excerpt from the fascinating novel by Stefan Fatsis: “Brian’s first rating was an expert-level 1812. Within months, he was beating top experts, playing words like KOUMISS, PINNULAE, POLONIUM, and INTROMIT. When one opponent opened with ENTASIS, Brian calmly laid down REALISE atop it, forming seven two-letter words. As a party trick, he would tell [...]

Heavy Metal Drummers

Last night Wilco made it into my dreams. Sort of. Radio K has added their catchy new song to regular rotation. I don’t think I heard it yesterday, but it was playing in my head before bed. So I wasn’t surprised when my dream was part music-video/part dramedy. Set in the summertime. About a [...]

Rise Of The Sci-fi Divas

My new superhero boots arrived today. Now if I could just figure out what the hell to wear with them. I’m sure this vexing little dilemma must be the crucial missing link…once it is resolved my superhero powers will kick into high gear. Then I will be able to take care of serious problems [...]

Crippity Crappity Creepies

Was in a pretty poor mood earlier. Brightened (somewhat) when a friend randomly sent this quote, spoken by the outspoken Vincent Gallo: “I don’t trust or love anyone. Because people are so creepy. Creepy creepy creeps. Creeping around. Creeping here and creeping there. Creeping everywhere. Crippity crappity creepies.”
He was on a Vincent Gallo [...]

Urban Flooding Possible

Currently wide awake at 4am, enjoying the first severe thunderstorm of the year. The experience is marred, however, by the intermittent wailing of tornado sirens. Which reminds me, I thought we were supposed to have a tornado drill at work yesterday afternoon. Must have been out to lunch still. Oops.

What Weblog Are You?

Initially I was stoked because I came up as the Neil Gaiman Journal, which I read daily. But my bubble was burst after seeing the disclaimer: “I’m not going to provide some silly html so you can put this information on your webpage because, honestly, no one cares. Besides, you should be embarassed [...]

More Than Meets The Eye

My backside has made it to waferbaby. It’s ok to look. Really. I don’t mind. I’ve taken unusual self-portraits before, but I must say, this one proved to be the trickiest.

Yo La Tengo Concert Disaster

Dang, sometimes The Onion hits a little too close to home. My favorite lines from this satirical piece: 1) “Also believed to be among the missing are seven freelance rock critics, five vinyl junkies, two ‘zine publishers, an art-school dropout, and a college-radio DJ.” 2) “I just pray they can somehow get this club [...]