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Some Roads Will Remain Slick

Crappy weather + severe allergies + general sickness = general suckiness. There were some highlights over the weekend, though.
Friday: BBQ tofu. Blowing bubbles off the deck. Swinging on the swingset. Reading.
Saturday: French toast w/smart bacon for breakfast. Retrieved the boyfriend. The three of us went to see Billy Bragg in the afternoon (with much squirming and screaming from the not-so-patient little man). Scrabble. Stocking up at the co-op. BBQ tofu. Juggling in the living room. More reading.
Sunday: Pancakes w/more smart bacon. Stayed in pajamas all day, watching the snow fall. More reading. Much dancing, singing, laughing and cuddling with the little man. Registered and posted at the new Mamatron message boards (replacement for the sadly defunct hipmama boards). Made soup. Spent too much time on ebay. Played Scrabble solo (sort of sad, I know).