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Monthly Archives: December 2004

Why Is Everything So Depressing These Days?

Well. It’s International Human Rights Day again. But there’s little enough to celebrate. I’m feeling more hopeless than ever, about the way these rights are being trampled the world over. There are too many instances to point out. But one particularly appalling story surfaced recently, about the U.S. government whitewashing torture:
On June [...]

The Vatican Was Not Amused

The morning was going well enough. The husband and I had vegan caramel pecan rolls, and played a rousing game of Word Blind, which I won, but just barely. And then he fixed himself some lunch. And then he tripped as he was carrying it up the stairs. And then he spilled the entire [...]

There’s Something In The Air. It Might Be Love - But It Isn’tstrictly Ballroom

What a hellish day. Involved lots of errand running, a flat tire, and the exceedingly extreme behavior of my overstimulated and overtired five year-old with autistic tendencies. Enough said. On the brighter side, look at these fabric donuts from sew dorky. They made me smile. And I’m going to try to salvage the remainder [...]

Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Undead

Congratulations to Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. They’ve won with best screenplay at the British Independent Film Awards. And it turns out they’re working on a script for another film, Hot Fuzz, due out in 2006. Hopefully I’ll get more updates on that front, now that I’m a member of the Shaun Squad. Oh, [...]

The Headlights Look Like Diamonds

I’ve been feeling kinda blah post-Nano, but I do know that my creative output has been on the rise, overall, for the last couple of years. This here weblog is just one example of that. And today the husband’s been organizing and archiving my photos (thank you) and gave me the following statistics, which [...]

Neue Deutsche Welle

There is much the husband doesn’t understand about me, especially my many compulsions. We’re not Christian,

but some of our extended family members are. So around this time every year I get caught up in buying too much stuff, mainly for the kids. But it’s just plain fun to shop for toys, online or [...]

You Know, The Girl That Fell

Sunday night randomness. Stayed away from any computer(s) for at least six hours.

That’s like some kind of record, aside from the hours I spend sleeping. Which brings to mind a book I’m currently reading:
Many of us wish we could get by with less sleep. Beggars in Spain extrapolates that wish into a [...]

My Density Has Brought Me To You

We’re long past the point of worrying what the neighbors might think. By now they know our household is comprised of crazy people, fearlessly led by yours truly.

Still, I’d prefer to think no one was awake, or at least looking out the window earlier this morning. Our garbage container is in the driveway, [...]

The Rate Of Mass Displacement Is Momentum

Sleepy and distracted. It was a long crazy day. Maybe I’ll write about it after I’ve finished processing. For now I’ll mention that Savage Aural Hotbed will be at the Southern Theater in March. Sounds interesting and I’m sure there will be interesting sounds. And another thing. I thought I had a boy genius [...]

We Climbed It Because It Was There

Tomorrow the Anti War Committee is having a benefit craft sale/bake sale 11am to 4pm, at Mayday Books (301 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis). The little man and I will already be in the area, as we’re attending the annual NaNoWriMo “Thank God it’s Over” party, except I’m not feeling relieved at all. If anything, I’ve [...]