We’ve had our first snowfall of the winter. I now need to budget extra time in the morning, to scrape icy frost off the car. And I’ve realized my will power has gone out the window as the cold weather has come in. For the last few weeks my body has been hell bent on adding that extra layer of winter fat, for survival. I returned to the Wii Fit for my first body test in 35 days (oops) and didn’t like the results. Guess I’ll be pushing myself to exercise a lot more and eat a little less, or at least more carefully. Speaking of food…Friday night I stopped by the Local D’Lish to redeem my coupon for a Simple, Good and Tasty Food Lovers card. On our way to Black Sheep Pizza. I’d been intending to try it for some time now and it didn’t disappoint. The boy is pretty easily pleased, as long as he can get spinach and white mushrooms on his pizza, but the crust was spectacular too.
Five good food related things:
- The debate about what constitutes local food, with Scott Pampuch of The Corner Table.
- A St. Paul Pioneer Press profile of my friend Sheela, co-owner of Cake Eater Bakery. Speaking of cupcakes… “Westchester Town Councilman Had Cops Break Up Menacing Cupcake Stand” - you just can’t trust 13yo entrepreneurs.
- Love chocolate? The world may be running out of it.
“Cocoa farming can’t keep up with our appetites, and in the future a single bar could cost us £7, warns Anthea Gerrie” And how about the food-mood connection? - This oddness seems to be a commercial for some sort of food product, but it’s been edited down. Still, made me giggle.
- Vegetables Are the New Meat?
This new breed of plant lover isn’t motivated entirely by ethical, environmental, or even health concerns (though those reasons come into play), but by culinary ones. Simply put, the once-meat-obsessed populace is realizing that vegetables actually taste good.
Naturally I like the idea of “the best and most imaginative manipulations of plant matter in town” but I’m less certain about liking this: “It towered over a mushroom broth that tasted like the umami gods were urinating into our mouths.” Ewwwww. But I wouldn’t mind attending the Perennial Plate/Haute Dish Harvest Vegetarian Dinner Collaboration. And next time I’m in NYC I would love to sample a few dishes Dirt Candy. As long as no one is engaging in watersports during my meal.
The weekend was a busy one. Chuck E Cheese with the kid (for the arcade, not the food!), Thunderbolt Pagoda release show at the Turf Club, A Very Much More art opening at The Soap Factory, impromptu brunch at my house and an unexpected and free International Novelty Gamelan performance at the Landmark Center. Fun times but I’m looking forward to a fairly quiet week ahead…with an emphasis on art projects - solo style and collaborations.
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