Fridays have been especially hard on us this school year. After enjoying years of a Monday-Thursday schedule, having this extra day tacked on the end feels like some sort of cruel endurance test. And today is a bittersweet reminder, with school closed and the kid tagging along with me at work. But our first stop this morning was actually at the school, where Parker joined me for the parent/teacher conference meeting. The good news? After a bumpy start he seems to be settling into the new school quite well, making connections and winning over teachers and staff with his engaging personality. The art teacher, in particular, seems to be quite taken with him. We had a lovely chat and she showed me some of my son’s quirky self-portraits. They were notably different from those of his classmates.
Five (or so) more good things for this Friday:
- Beautiful Inflatable Bag Monsters and Zombigotchi! Just about the best thing ever.
- “Parisian graffiti artist, Princess Hijab, has been applying Muslim veils on half-naked fashion ads all around the Paris Metro, and we don’t even know officially if Hijab is a man or a woman.” Love it.
- In bed with Jennifer Jajeh! “Join Jen Jajeh and the Seeing Machine as we interview cultural luminaries, artists; up and coming thinkers, performers, and visionaries in THEIR beds. Our mission: to reveal the personality behind the figure- in their most comfortable and intimate space.” This looks promising, Zentai suits and all. Made by Mareesa Sertz of The Seeing Machine.
- Casteller: “In the city of Tarragona, Spain, castellers gather every two years to see who can build the highest, most intricate human castles. This uniquely Catalan tradition requires astonishing strength, finesse, and balance. Not to mention courage.” A little more background.
- I Should Watch That: An Interview with Simon Pegg.
I’ve mentioned this over the years…but one of my all-time favorite bands is Low. Zak Sally was in Low for many years but now performs solo (and quite well) when he’s not writing/drawing/self-publishing comics. I am a huge fan of his. And he is a fan of Tool, among other things. All around he’s a pretty fantastic guy. Unfortunately one of his friends, Andy Kotowicz from Sub-Pop, was killed in a car accident recently. Zak is selling an original flyer on ebay that he made during his time with Low. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to Andy’s family. If you are a fan of Low or of Zak’s drawings please take a look.
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