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The Falling Sun

Indian Summer may finally be over. The chill is returning to the air, as it should, for a proper Fall. Maybe it’s time to throw on that Thuggie, or perhaps a DARPA Hoodie? Personally I’d really like one of these empire dress/hoodie combos, but would prefer one in red.

Five good things for this fine Friday:

There are more Fall/Halloween themed events occurring than you can shake a stick at. Friends are hosting an annual Fall Feast on their farm this weekend, but we’re squeezing in a visit to the Midwest Comic Book Association’s FallCon first. Evil Dead: The Musical opens soon at the Illusion Theater. There’s the annual Barebones puppet performance outdoors. The Soap Factory’s Haunted Basement is going strong. PINK HOBO Gallery’s 2nd annual Halloween Party and Monster Art Show entices. And the Twin Cities Flickr group will be venturing to an area orchard where I may or may not procure our pumpkins for carving. Can’t wait to soak in more beautiful Fall color this weekend.

Parker, after having devoured a chai cupcake

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