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The Party That Started A Revolution

The long slog (a.k.a. holiday hell) is nearly over. But being up with people for so long has taken its toll, with my cold taking a turn for the worse. Naturally I don’t want this thing to kick my ass. But I have a time honored tradition to uphold, of hurling on New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day. And this without any alcohol. It’s been food poisoning or stomach flu that gets me. So maybe this cold will soon morph into something even more special.

I have been able to keep my mind off feeling like crap, for short periods of time at least. Today a friend and I went to the dollar theater to see Marie Anoinette, which we both enjoyed. Such ridiculous decadence…but just the sort of eye candy I was in the mood for. Other delightful distractions are in the queue. Yesterday I received My Secret: A PostSecret book, the second such from the good people at the PostSecret blog (where “shared confessions are an art form”). Another friend gave me the Total Fucking Blood disc, plus two volumes of the Astonishing X-Men (Gifted and Dangerous) penned by my man Joss Whedon. Squeee!

But right now I feel the need…the need for sleep.

yellow stairs


  1. Eve wrote:

    I tried to leave a comment on the entry after this one, but I’m getting an error message (thought you should know). What I wanted to say there is that every time you write about something cool happening near your house, I always get exciting thinking that we actually live near one another … but we don’t!!!!!

    Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 9:52 pm | Permalink
  2. Doh! Wonder what WordPress madness this is…

    But yeah, we’re no NYC (what other city is, really?)…but there’s a surprising array of great stuff going on in the Twin Cities. I do need to get back to NYC though. Hopefully some time soon.

    Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 10:14 pm | Permalink
  3. Rena wrote:

    Hm. Yes, same here with the error after trying to comment.–Tried to comment on your son’s awesome haircut.

    Love this image, Sharyn. All of my uploads are ceased, cannot find my firewire cord for the camera.

    Tuesday, January 2, 2007 at 3:10 pm | Permalink

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