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The Story Of A Boy… A Girl… And A Very Small Universe

Frequently I profess my love for the imdb, but it seems to be renewed daily. I’ve recently moved on from the Whedon oeuvre, and on to the works of Judd Apatow, Paul Feig, et al. by watching Freaks and Geeks. I’ve paused occasionally, to see what the actors are up to now. I’ve found that little brother Sam Weir has gotten all growed up. Actor John Francis Daley recently appeared in the ill-fated Kitchen Confidential, but also has a feature length film coming out that looks fantastic. 5-25-77 is so named for the notorious date that Star Wars was originally released. A big honkin’ version of the trailer can be found here. One amusing exchange from it:
Pat (main character): The Death Star could take out The Enterprise with one shot.
Nerd girl: The Enterprise has deflector shields!
But the best line from the trailer, by far, was “to you real life is something to do when you’re tired of watching movies.” I get that. I really really do.

5-25-77 the movie
5-25-77 the movie
5-25-77 the movie