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Flattery Will Get You Somewhere

Over the weekend I was in the mood for vegan mac’n'cheese, so I suggested to the husband that he should whip us up a batch. He replied with something along the lines of, “oh, but yours turns out so much better.” It didn’t occur to me to be suspicious. Until I was pulling the pan out of the oven. He and I (and most of the vegans we know) use essentially the same recipe, just slightly modified. So maybe he doesn’t really like mine better. Maybe he was just feeling lazy. But then I took my first bite. Mine really is better.

Also over the weekend we attended a little boy’s pirate-themed birthday party. It was scheduled for a rather early hour on Sunday morning, by certain people’s standards, so the husband was not yet conscious when it was time for us to set sail. But the little man and I, we’d been up for quite a while, and had had time to dress up like quite the scallywags (though my striped knee socks were more reminiscent of an 80s perky goth look). It was a well-planned party, with an elaborate treasure hunt and everything, and an excellent time was had by all. By the time we returned to the house we found that not only had the husband managed to rouse himself, he was standing in the middle of our bedroom, looking rather insect-like, wearing a respirator mask (because of his cat allergies, and my cats), and was dredging up items from the very depths of our closets. I knew this big purge was coming, though I had long been avoiding it. I am a pack rat. It is in my nature. But with the husband’s help, and not-so-gentle prodding, I was able to send six, count them, SIX giant garbage bags of clothing and shoes on their way to the Goodwill. These were items that I either could no longer fit into, or wouldn’t want to be seen in, whether or not I could still fit into them. Many were things I had been dragging around with me since freaking high school. Oy. So now our closets are much more open (the floor! It is visible!) and no longer spewing out into the rest of the bedroom. And the bedroom, in general, feels much less cluttered and cramped. Also, during the big purge I came across quite a few treasures. Just to name a few:

  • My favorite hat, made of black polar fleece, with the kitty ears;
  • A pair of Pucca house slippers;
  • The big bunny t-shirt that the husband just bought me for my last birthday, but which had already gone missing in the madness;
  • A ten dollar bill, crammed into the pocket of a pair of pants unworn since, oh, 2002 or so.

Now if I can only curb my tendency to hoard…so I won’t be going through this same painful exercise in another couple of years. Oh, but we haven’t gone through the little man’s closet yet. Sigh.
Plus: Because this is just the way things work for us…right after we purchased and set up our delightful Squeezebox wireless music player (seriously, just over a week later) we find out today they’ve gone and come out with a shiny new model. Curses.
And: One week until NaNoWriMo kicks off! Eeep!

perky goth socks