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Beyond The Scope Of Conventional Understanding

This week there has been more of the sleeping and less of the posting, but I don’t feel rested. Dammit. Oh well. Some thoughts had while horizontal…

Third time’s the charm, right? The third roofing contractor was supposed to come out to the house yesterday to give us *his* opinion on the state of our roof. Then the plan was to decide which of the three opinions we most agree with and go with one. But dude never showed, and a phone call revealed that they’re behind schedule, so that whole exterior thing is sort of in limbo. In interior news, next Wednesday the electrician comes. But the time at which the electrician is coming is highly entertaining, to me, at least. You see, the husband works from home, and his company is on West Coast time. So he generally doesn’t start working, or even wake up, until around 10am daily. This suits him well. But the electrician is most decidedly not on West Coast time. The electrician is coming to the house at 7am. It would be funnier still if I didn’t have to be the husband’s human alarm clock, but at least I’ll be able to bug out shortly after waking him up.

When we were in Duluth recently I made a breakthrough with my plan for NaNo, while I was in the shower, naturally. That’s where I have all my best thoughts…but I lose most of them before I can capture them in any meaningful way (note to self: still need to obtain waterproof voice recorder that won’t make me sound like a ninny). Anyhow, the idea is this. The novel I wrote last year will actually be the sequel to the novel I write this year, which means the novel I write this year will be the prequel. So it’s sort of a good thing I never got around to editing last year’s novel after all, because I’ll be needing to edit a few bits and pieces, but not too much. It’s all going to come together perfectly, I can feel it. Umm, sure.

Bonus: Episode 20 of Making Fiends is on the scene. It is big and fancily fiendish, and little man approved.
Plus: There are many types of creative types in the world, of course, and I admire all sorts. Especially these folks (via Loobylu).
And: I recently loaned my Firefly boxset to our friend Big Dave, who watched and enjoyed all of the episodes. If only I could get the husband to stop referring to the show as “Buffy in Space” now, and maybe even have him watch at least, oh, one episode. But no, somehow I married a Whedon-hater.