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Acute Situational Anxiety

It’s shaping up to be one of those weeks. Yesterday morning there was the pink eye panic. The school nurse called. She suspected the little man was afflicted, as he’d been seen rubbing his eyes…and a classmate of his recently had it. So after work I walked in the door with just ten minutes to scarf down dinner before the lot of us piled into the car, bound for the urgent care clinic. Where we had ample opportunity to scrutinize the boy’s eyes, as it took until after 8pm to be seen for our 7pm appointment. His eyes were fine. The boy has seasonal allergies, just like his mama. This is a known issue. I’ve told the school nurse this before (in the beginning of the school year she once sent the lad home for excessive eye rubbing). We didn’t get home until 8:30pm or so. But at least we had some quality family time…trapped together in a small room…other than our computer room.