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The Uncertainty Principle

Never quite got the hang of my Monday. The morning was filled with life’s little indignities. Like taking out the trash only to have the bag full of USED CAT LITTER tear open all over my icy back steps. And when I’d cleaned up that mess and made my way to the garbage bins in the alley…they were frozen shut. Felt like that really set the tone for the day. Good thing I chose to hunker down and work from home.

How about five good things?

I could probably benefit from a SAD lamp. The mid-winter February blues have hit me hard all of a sudden. Can’t afford any kind of get away right now. Well, only in my mind. And as much as I detest the prolonged heat and humidity I’m daydreaming about summertime. In happy fun summer news, Northern Spark is moving to St. Paul in June. I know I need to live in the NOW and all that jazz, even if the now is a frozen filthy slush-filled tundra. But it helps to have things to look forward to as well.

chess with my son

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