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Viva La Rat

The other night I got pulled over by the fuzz, after cheese curd club. I was on my way to pick my son up from my ex’s and already running late but I remained calm and polite and was, thankfully, sent away without a ticket. But I did finally replace the headlight that was out, along with the ratty windshield wiper blades. And got an oil change to boot. The tediousness of car maintenance was tempered by a lovely walk after dropping the car off at the shop. 1.4 miles home and 1.4 miles back again to pick it up. I don’t recall any other winters where I have enjoyed so many strolls. Life is good.

Five wonderful things for Thursday:

  • The Admin Rat by Thomas Berkley, 2012: “Deep underground, a rat works tirelessly to maintain the infrastructure of the internet. After a series of hilarious revelations, he must decide whether or not to destroy it.”
  • I desperately want to take my son and my Dad to this: “Featuring dynamic and compelling video accompanied by a live symphony orchestra, The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses brings the world’s most popular video game series to life. With original music spanning 25 years of adventure from the celebrated Zelda franchise, The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses is the first ever video game themed concert to feature a complete four-movement symphony, showcasing the work of Nintendo composer and sound director Koji Kondo.” Too bad the tickets are CRAZY expensive.
  • Creatures of the deep: terrifying macro pictures of polychaetes or bristle worms. Amazing stuff. Oh, and flying squids: the rocket science behind cephalopods
  • Been listening to a lot of White Lung. SO GOOD.
  • There’s an Ai Weiwei documentary, Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry being released this summer. Fascinating guy.
  • My old buddy Josh Journey-Heinz now has a blog/portfolio. Check out his incredible work. Path Island is one of my favorite things ever.

I’ve been updating this blog pretty frequently but my photography blog? Not so much. Monthly posts, at best. I did make a February update today though. And I’m looking forward to the weekend ahead, where more photos will be taken. At shows, and of friends. Always too much to choose from. On the fence about which show to hit up tomorrow night. And I may be stopping by a Woody Allen movie night before celebrating the birth of one of my very best friends.

Half of Voytek

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