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Disturbing the Peace

Last Friday we came home to some lovely mail from a friend. But also to a grisly, mangled mouse in the living room. It was troubling, to say the least. We hadn’t seen a mouse in the house in an age. I’ve had to clean up such corpses in the past but I’ve tried to shield my son from them. Sadly he was the first to see it on Friday and has brought up the matter several times since. I’d thought he was getting over this latest circle of life/faces of death experience so what should happen? Yesterday we got home to hear a strange chittering sound coming from upstairs. And walked in on a Mexican standoff in the bathroom, between a living mouse and our wild-eyed cat.

Enough of that. How about five good things?

Tonight’s installment of Third Thursdays at the MIA includes a fashion show, featuring work by local designers, inspired by the museum’s collections. While I wouldn’t mind seeing that I’m more interested in the Embarrassment of Riches: Picturing Global Wealth exhibit. We’ll see if I make it at all though. The guys have been a little under the weather. Hopefully they will be fully recovered by next week. We’ve been invited to five different Thanksgiving gatherings! I’m usually just a guest and not a host for this holiday. Hoping to swing by (but not necessarily eat at) at least three of these events. Only time will tell what my success rate will be.

squiggly lights

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