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Irrationality of the Thought Process

I’m still here. In fact, we’re doing nearly nothing over this long holiday weekend. I’ve just been feeling sort of…blah. Uninspired and milquetoast. Maybe it’s the heat. Maybe it’s all the random noise bursts in my overactive brain. I do have several partially written posts saved, but I can’t quite get them to the finish line.

But I did wake up from a strange dream this morning. I had been shot. Just above my left hip. By whom, I have no idea. It was at night and I’d been driving East down a major street when I thought I was driving West. The whole dream was like that, all topsy turvy and turned around. The emergency room “scene” was played on fast forward and suddenly I found myself bandaged up and at my Dad’s house. Only his house had moved, to a small island with a lighthouse. And I was holding someone’s newborn baby, but I don’t know whose. It was definitely not mine. I handed her back to a stranger and announced that I needed a ride to the airport, stat, as I had to catch a flight to Europe that afternoon. Alone. I asked my Dad if he could take me, but he shook his head sadly and said no. My brother, who was alive in this scenario (and looking like he did in 1988, pre-leukemia), chimed in and said he could do it, no problem. And then I woke up. What a weird way to start the day.


  1. Kylark wrote:

    That is a strange dream. Maybe in a parallel life you got shot and had a near-death experience.

    Sunday, July 2, 2006 at 2:19 pm | Permalink
  2. Spooky. The really strange thing…I so rarely remember my dreams. And if they’re all like this one, maybe that’s sort of ok.

    Sunday, July 2, 2006 at 6:41 pm | Permalink

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