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The More Things Change the More They Stay Insane

June has been my month of live music shows, which has been wonderful, but between the staying out and up late, and the little man’s summer break…well, we’ve sort of inadvertently time-shifted our days forward. It’s because I don’t have the pressure of getting him to the bus stop. Deadlines do motivate me. Without them things get a little bit freeform. Yesterday morning I didn’t roll out of bed until 9:30am. The little man had gotten up a couple of hours before, but he is neither subtle nor quiet so I was half-awake. And half-aware of what he was up to (mostly going all Star Wars Kid, with his multiple light sabers). But today was a work day, and my human alarm clock didn’t wake up until 7:30am, which is considerably later than usual. Not sure why he felt the need to sleep in today, but I wish he’d get with the program and do that on weekends instead. Oh well.

When I arrived at work this morning there was an anonymous gift waiting for me, in a brown paper bag. My first thought/concern was, hmmm, something from Sex World? Or something not vegan? Or possibly something that was already mine, just wrapped up? After all it did say “lame gift” right on the package. But it wasn’t lame at all! It turned out to be a cute little ceramic cup, decorated with beckoning cats, from my pals Chuck and Lori. I loves me some Maneki Nekos!

front door detail

Bonus: I’ve dearly missed the old 42short, but that’s no excuse for me not to visit the more abbreviated seen heard read more regularly. So it’s my own fault that I’ve only just discovered James is making a big move, from North Carolina to Maryland. But it will bring him closer to family. Good luck James!
Plus: Also moving closer to family? Well, it was a big decision to reach over at Milk and Cake, but really, it sounds like it will be a huge relief. Plus it means I have even more incentive to plan a trip to Seattle sometime in the near-ish future, which is most excellent.
And: At long last, I’ve finally updated the recipes page. There are only three new recipes, but more are in the works, I swear.


  1. james wrote:

    thanks for the well-wishes, sharyn. it is a big move and a scary time.
    i’m neck-deep in boxes at the moment and taking a break from packing for lunch and weblogs–i’m not looking forward to the next week of being internet-less. i leave town on friday.

    talk to you again when i’m settled in.

    Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 12:38 pm | Permalink
  2. shokufeh wrote:

    Definitely going to try that BBQ tofu. I love the texture of tofu after it’s been frozen.

    Friday, June 30, 2006 at 12:03 am | Permalink

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