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Awkward Is The New Black

Whoa. Yesterday I fell and hit my cranky bone. Hard. But today’s a new day and all that. It helps that I watched some Farscape before bed last night. The show seems to be filling my Netflix queue these days. I blame some friends who sent me the Season 1 Starburst Edition DVD. They got me hooked. Sure, it’s bad sci-fi, not at all on par with the likes of my beloved Firefly. But Muppets! In space! (But not Muppets From Space, that’s something else entirely.) It really is so bad it’s good.
Bonus: The latest trailer for Marie Antoinette contains no dialogue…but instead features New Order’s Age of Consent. I kept flashing back to where I was and what I was doing when I first heard that song (and when I listened to it over and over again) and there was a serious disconnect between what I was seeing in my head and what I was seeing in the trailer.
Plus: In the interest of full disclosure I stole today’s post title from this article. Usually I don’t remember where I get my post titles from. If they aren’t super obvious song lyrics then they’re just flotsam and jetsam that my brain has glommed on to. But today I remembered. Give my brain a high five!
