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Cognitive Displaysia And The Chronically Angry

Kvetchfest coming at ya. It’s been a long frustrating day. Nothing terrible has happened, just a gradual build-up of one minor nuisance atop another until I felt like my brain was going to asplode. It started out well enough. Saw the little man off at the bus stop and decided to take care of some piddly errands afterwards. Thankfully Target opens early so that was an easy stop. But at 9am the mall’s stores (ugh, I don’t generally “mall”) weren’t open, yet the place was teeming with mallwalkers. It was odd to see one elderly gentleman fast-walking to nowhere while listening to an iPod. Which brings me to one of my errands - taking my fairly new iPod mini to the Apple Store. It up and died on me the other day. On top of that, this morning I realized my cell phone was nowhere to be found. It’s just not my week for technology. The especially irritating thing - I don’t use my cell phone every day so I wasn’t sure how long it had been missing. I had visions of some opportunistic individual finding it on the street, days and days ago, and spending the intervening time using it to rack up long distance bills to Russia, or worse…calling the Corey Hotline. But that wasn’t the case. When I got home later the husband quickly located the damned thing…plugged into the charger where I had left it. I am losing my marbles. So my phone has been recovered, yes, but the iPod is still kaput. A slew of Mac lovers had all pre-booked appointments at the freaking Genius Bar, so upon opening this morning the staff at the Apple Store had their hands full. I could have waited, I guess, but I felt my blood sugar levels were dropping (coffee is not, technically, breakfast) and my impatience growing. I made a pit stop back at the house instead, to refuel, before heading out for my afternoon date with the little man, his bio-Dad, and…the passport office. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that one. The icing on the cake? After I finally got home, for good, the husband decided to drop this tidbit: a trip to Hawaii would have cost us less than our impending trip to Iceland, and it would be a helluva lot warmer. He might have mentioned this before we, you know, booked our trip. Pardon me while I go poke my eyes out.

Bonus: Apparently this here blog was the City Pages MN blog of the day on Monday. But this is what they had to say:

“A 32-year-old hipmama blogs about Constantine, being drug-free, and going to Reykjavik at Mass Distraction.”

Hmmm. It seems like they might have just skimmed the bit where I ran out of percocet and figured I’m some sort of recovering addict instead of recovering from surgery. Unless they were referring to my long-time straight-edgedness, which is cool.
Plus: You know who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it seem worthwhile? The fine folks at Drawn and Whip Up, that’s who.
And: With our vacation on the horizon [and yes, I will enjoy Reykjavik just as much as I would have enjoyed Hawaii, dammit, albeit with more clothes on] Flight 001 is one dangerous site for me to discover just now (via PopGadget).
And another thing: Today I think I have abused commas, ellipses and parens even more than usual. So sue me. Umm, I think someone needs to go to bed. Right now.