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Come Quickly, I Am Tasting Stars!

The little man would like to sleep in our big bed every night, and I am a total push over, so his wish has come true while the husband is away. Shocker. But at 3am this morning he must have rolled over and stretched, at just the right angle, and clocked me a good one right in the eye. I woke up seeing stars. Disoriented, I got up and walked across the hall to the computer room. I could have turned this interlude into some productive NaNo writing time, but instead I returned to the bedroom, crawled back under the covers, and attempted to protect my vitals. A while later I woke up again, vaguely aware that the boy was using my butt as a pillow for his head. Speaking of heads, after we were both fully awake we sure were butting them this morning, when he decided he wanted to leave the house wearing his snowpants, winter coat and winter boots. Certainly there have been some years where we have seen snow here in Minnesota on the second of November. Say, back in 1991. But then school would have been cancelled and we would have been staying in. Instead temperatures soared to a balmy 71 degrees today, so such attire was most definitely unnecessary. The little man was in a much better mood when I picked him up after work, but my heart sank when I walked in the door. Apparently the after school program has had reports of exposure to both pink eye and head lice in their classroom this week. Did I mention the little man has been sleeping with me? Yeah.
Plus: This morning I realized that today marks my one year flickr-versary. It’s rather wrenching to think of all the waking hours I’ve wasted, I mean, invested in flickr…especially now. When I feel the need to somehow squeeze every spare moment from every day this month to write another novel. Failure is not an option. I think it’s pretty much an inevitability.