We’re already missing our houseguest, April, who headed back to Beijing on Friday. She left behind a few things, some intentionally, others not so much. To the little man she bequeathed a nifty little tape measure/key chain that he’d become enamored of. To me, an old box of hardcore swag and a Wong Kar-wai DVD box set. Sadly she mislaid her pair of backup glasses and her contact lens case, which I didn’t notice until it was too late. Wish I could return them to her in person, but the airfare would be a touch spendy.

On Saturday we were slated to see a different out of town visitor, our brother-in-law’s sister from Sri Lanka, but another one unexpectedly turned up beforehand. My old pal Anton was here from Chicago for the one day Thrash Fest 6 at the Triple Rock. The little man and I squeezed in a quick visit with him at a playground near the venue, but had to cut it shorter than we would have liked…in order to retrieve the husband and head to the family function, which was fun too. Vegan chocolate cake was involved.

Sunday was the neighbor friend’s 6th birthday party. On girl power: though he enjoyed himself, my transparent little man was often confused and/or overwhelmed by the horde of 6 and 7 year-old girls…who could turn on a dime from insipid sweetness to overwhelming snottiness. It’s something he’s going to have to get used to.

And finally, some complaints and compliments:
- Farel Dalrymple’s Pop Gun War really is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. In a good way.
- Sam Brown finally updated Exploding Dog. I like these two best.
- I’ve found myself inexplicably exhausted all the time. I’ve been able to get the basics taken care of…ensuring we’re all well-fed, dressed in clean clothes, and the trash is taken out regularly…but I haven’t got the motivation for much beyond that.
- My favorite pair of old Levis are now sporting a large hole in the ass, and I’m not sure how many times I wore them before noticing it.
- I want my own bathroom. One that would forever be off-limits to males of the species, no matter how well-trained they might think they are.
- The roof of my mouth itches. Damn allergies.
- I’ll never give up my flip-flops.
- Fall is on its way in a hurry. The little man starts school one week from today, and the leaves have been turning for the last month already.
- Will have to listen to this a few more times before I make up my mind.
That should do it…for this, the last day of August. This week…enjoying Bee Season, and rushing around to take care of last-minute items on the old To Do list. This weekend, more out of town visitors.