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Be A Freedom Fighter!

Attention Minneapolis residents. As I’ve moved across the river, my involvement is limited to spreading the word…a PSA from your friendly neighborhood librarian.
//begin PSA
If cities consider that acts by the feds violate the Consitution and the Bill of Rights, the cities can say they will not honor these federal laws, and will not spy on their citizens. The Minneapolis City Council is considering a resolution which will say that the city will not honor what was passed in the Patriot Act, because it violates the Constitution. PLEASE, if you are a Minneapolis citizen, call your council person and say  you support the resolution that supports the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and fights the Patriot Act. Cities around the country are doing this - read what Nat Hentoff wrote in the Village Voice.
Find your council person and phone number here.
Please spread the word to as many other Minneapolis residents as you can. It is a chance to protect what you believe in.
P.S. The library is in dire shape. If you value your library system, and feel like it’s important that we HAVE libraries, please let the council know that too. The cops are talking about cutting 135 postitions. We are talking about closing libraries. This is no joke.
//end PSA