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Honoring the Complexity of Life

Last weekend, I removed everything from our refrigerator and freezer. Tossed what needed to go and deep cleaned all the shelves and drawers. Dried everything off then returned the food being kept in an organized manner. I know it won’t last. But every time I’ve opened the fridge since, it’s a reminder that I can still unlock achievement mode. Also on the bright side, literally, the days are very obviously getting longer. The sun hasn’t yet set when I wrap up my workdays now. A welcome change. And speaking of light, my indoor houseplants were looking pretty sorry. I finally bought a grow light. And installed and configured the Planta app (I had very obviously been over-watering the poor things) and the plants are already perking up. I’ll take any wins I can.

Today’s five things:

At the end of last year, I started dating someone. It didn’t take long to determine he wasn’t for me. Oddly, I’m not bummed out. Instead, I’m celebrating all the progress I’ve made. In the past, I’ve been a people-pleaser. Before, I would make myself smaller to accommodate partners. Stifling my own needs to put the other person’s needs first. I sucked at setting boundaries, even though a lack of boundaries invariably made me miserable. Not anymore. I stated my needs, set my boundaries, held my ground, and walked away with no regrets. Feels good. I accept myself with enthusiasm. I am no longer available to the things that do not make me feel good.

The whole family - my human child and our two cats - hanging out in my bedroom / office

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