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An Exercise in Curation

Lately, I’ve found it difficult to write. I feel overwhelmed in multiple areas of my life. But I’m doing the work, thanks to therapy. Feeling the feelings. Naming what’s going on and being more compassionate to myself. While I’m working on being more present, I also allow myself some enjoyable distractions.

I bought our condo in July of 2019. I’ve been gradually making improvements. Some are less visible than others, like replacing the boiler back in January. But last week I had our hallway repainted a daffodil yellow. And I replaced the three pendant lights in the kitchen (that I loathed). Today a plumber replaced our OG 99-year-old toilet and installed my new kitchen faucet. It’s all coming together. Next, I need the wallpaper hangers to come by to jazz up an accent wall. Then hire an electrician to install a pile of light fixtures. And, lastly, there are a couple of tile-related projects to take care of. Overall it is feeling a whole lot like home.

Cya, 99 year-old toilet!

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