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Grace(less) Under Pressure

Somehow I survived last week’s stressors, but didn’t do so without griping (well, really that is precisely how I did get through it, with all the complaining). Thanks to everyone who put up with me. Happily this week is off to a much better start already. The boy’s school was closed today so we skipped the early morning mad dash to the school bus stop. I chose to work from home for a bit but also spent a good chunk of the day playing hooky with the boy. We’d originally considered sledding or tubing but settled on a Presidents’ Day Zoo Visit, utilizing the much-appreciated Museum Adventure Pass program. It was a successful outing despite the zoo’s denizens behaving like sloths. Mid-winter most of these animals did not look like kings or queens of the jungle. They weren’t even presidential. Maybe more like sleep Vikings. While we stared at one dozing tapir I heard a little kid walk by and wonder aloud “is that thing dead?” Not far from the tapirs my son bumped into another boy from his school. I chatted with the lad’s mom and it turns out I’ve known her brother for years…which is as long as she’s known my son’s bio-Dad. Yep, small town metropolis in full effect.

Yesterday we stayed in all day, in PJs, as more snow fell. But Saturday I forced myself out for the Twin Cities flickr photowalk. And the boy voluntarily picked up my old Olympus and took some great shots (which he also did at the zoo today, but I’m still attempting to locate the USB cable for that camera). We didn’t stay for the entire photowalk as I know the kid’s limits. After a spell he was happy to get back in the car and head over to St. Anthony Main for a showing of Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. What a clunky title. But it was worth it for the brief bit with one of my favorite Brits, Steve Coogan. And Uma Thurman as Medusa was pretty all right too. We followed that up with dinner at E Noodle Cafe which made for an all-around decent Saturday.

This week we have some other things to look forward to. I’m heading to a performance of Jennifer Jajeh’s I Heart Hamas: And Other Things I’m Afraid to Tell You with a friend. Friday night Clockwork is hosting another family-friendly game night. And Saturday night another friend is watching my son for me, with his kids, so I can get to the Retribution Gospel Choir show at the Triple Rock (though I’d also like to see my friends’ band Voytek that night). Bonus? I called into Radio K earlier today and scored their guest list spots. Now I just need to get through this week unscathed…

Chapendra's colorful gloves

Bonus: I want to live in Wayne Coyne’s house, even if it is in Oklahoma City. Also, you ought to watch The Fearless Freaks if you haven’t already.
Plus: Another Punch pizza deal. This week, “Share the Love” - buy one, get one free February 16th-18th.
And: I love this. Geeks In Space: NASA Astronauts Wake Up To ‘Firefly’ Theme Song

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