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Duct Tape Tourniquets

I love so many writers but lately A. Lee Martinez is a favorite (even if I’d misplaced his name in my brain for a bit I still remembered and loved his books). Stumbling upon his blog the other day seemed fortuitous, right at the beginning of NaNoWriMo. Reading his recent post on power creep had me cringing, thinking of my first novel. Now that I’m on my second one I don’t want to be that guy (or lady, or whatever). If I revisit that first novel it will be to rewrite it, to reign everything in and bring everyone down to earth. Not that I’d sent them off to fight Space-Cthulhu, but I had sent them down to the Paris Catacombs…to battle ultimate evil or something. I’m trying to remain mindful with my new story, to reinforce the “realism” in magical realism.

Five random things:

All day I was feeling sleep-deprived but energized after a late night out. It was just what I needed. Friends, foosball and The Tanks. That’s a winning combination. But now it’s back to the fledgling novel. I’ve got to get another 1000 words under my belt for the day. And if I manage to crank that out before bedtime, I’ll reward myself by watching the most recent episode of True Blood. Looks like a doozy.

hedgehogs and mushrooms


  1. em wrote:

    So can I ask: what is the novel about? Or is it a super-secret surprise?

    OMG you have been writing so much in your blog, I am so behind. Goodbye, morning!

    Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 8:40 am | Permalink
  2. Sharyn wrote:

    Well…for now let’s just say it’s clearly influenced by what I read and watch, but I’m still hoping for a somewhat original take on an old subject. I’ll post more details when I’m deeper into it. Maybe even some excerpts.

    And yeah, I have been posting a lot, haven’t I? Maybe it was in anticipation of NaNoWriMo? Or maybe just because I over-communicate like crazy. Glad to help you through you morning, at any rate :-)

    Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 10:34 am | Permalink

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