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Celebrity is the New Privacy

I didn’t watch the Oscars last night, but I did spend some time reading the live fugging of said awards show. It was infinitely more satisfying. So condensed, so pithy. And I enjoyed the visuals today. You know, the fug girls’ day after round up. There was entertaining text to go with the photos, of course. Especially associated with Eva Green, who was being mocked as she always looks like the undead. The catchiest phrase? “Your sweet existence-fuel is mine!” Which I’m now tempted to exclaim at irregular intervals. Oh, GFY. Such a guilty pleasure but a pleasure just the same.

I also spent a good portion of last night assaulted by the sounds of struggling cars on my street. More than once I saw drivers give up and reverse all the way down the hill. This morning it was my turn. After re-digging the car out I didn’t even attempt the hill. But it still took some doing just to get out of the driveway and out into the still-unplowed street. I made it the long way round the block, to a busier thoroughfare. After that the morning commute was a cakewalk. As was the return trip this afternoon. Until we pulled up to the house. And saw a solid four foot high wall of compacted snow and ice completely barring the driveway. I parked on the street, let the little man into the house, then had at it for about a half hour to no avail. I cleared away one quarter of it, at best. And my back was already aching from yesterday’s session. So I’m crying uncle. Guess I’ll use my driveway again come spring.


Bonus: Last week I intended to post about an amazing South Korean artist named Yeondoo Jung. I was lucky enough to see his site before it went down (no doubt due to his being BoingBoinged). Thankfully the Good Reverend posted a sample from the Wonderland series…which “attempts to recreate the fantastic euphoria of young children’s crayon artwork”. Man, would I ever love to do that with the little man’s art.
Plus: Speaking of the lad, I love taking him to the Walker Art Center, but it looks like next Saturday’s family program may be a bit on the mature end for him. I think he’d just be bored. Hmmm.
And: The recent increase in comment spam is killing me softly.


  1. emily wrote:

    Oh, so that’s who that chick was? Yeah, what a nightmare. I really just gave her a passing glance, though, because I was too busy looking at Gael Garcia Bernal (sp?), whose arm she was hanging on to for dear life. I’ve had dirty thoughts about that guy since “Y Tu Mama Tambien.” He’s scrumptious.

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 10:55 am | Permalink
  2. Me too! He is hot hot hot. Still haven’t seen The Science of Sleep, but it’s on my list.

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 11:02 am | Permalink
  3. phil wrote:

    Man, that’s the first time you’ve posted a picture of your face in a million, billion years.

    (p.s. selsun blue.)

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 9:57 pm | Permalink
  4. Ha! And isn’t it lovely? Next time I’ll try to post a photo of me with a happier face. And without the chunky snow-like dandruff.

    Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 10:30 am | Permalink

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