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Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

As it is so very slushy outside, I had to find another way for the little man to burn off some excess energy. This evening I took him to his favorite indoor playground. I figured the place would be nearly empty, what with it being a Monday night and Valentine’s Day. I wasn’t wrong. What I didn’t think of was that there might be more than a few single parents (as I was myself, not so long ago, and sort of still am, what with the husband’s work schedule and all) with the same idea. Which is fine, of course, but there was one lone, and lonely-looking, father who kept looking my way. Out of interest or disgust, I couldn’t say. The little man’s place in the scheme of things was much clearer. That kid is one smooth operator. Upon arrival he approached a little girl, probably about four years old, and announced “you can be the princess and I will be the prince.” She happily, whole-heartedly agreed and the two were inseparable for the duration of our stay. Though there was a third wheel, in the form of the girl’s older sister. My boy didn’t mind. The more the merrier, after all. But the older sister seemed a bit peeved. I think she wanted to be the princess.