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Feels Like My Head Is Spinning Round And Round

I feel like our home has been enveloped by some sort of evil forcefield, one that allows cranky energies to seep in, but doesn’t let them out. Like that breathable meshy plastic wrap you sometimes see on produce. So the crankiness continues to whirl about the house, feeding off of us and growing synergistically and making me crazier. I’ve even found myself muttering and growling sub-vocally. Luckily the little man escaped this morning. To my surprise and relief, he greeted the arrival of the school bus with great gusto. But not before demonstrating how easily he picks up on some of my bad habits. I wasn’t quite aware of it, but before I’d had my coffee this morning I snapped at the husband. Later on the little man repeated my declaration, saying to him, “yeah, you’re lame”. When the husband complained about it later I probably should have apologized…rather than having myself a little laughing fit. Uh, oops. But now that the kiddo is safely away at school for the first time in weeks, and the husband isn’t speaking to me, I have some free time. But I don’t know what to do first. Work? Dishes? Bubble bath? Laundry? Lie down? Flee to France? I’m overwhelmed by the possibilities.

please to enjoy