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Fetishized Idiosyncrasy

I take straightening my hair very seriously. If I could afford a Japanese thermal perm, I’d do it. In the mean time, I spend far too much of my time taking a hairdryer and flat iron to my hair, and often injuries are sustained. For instance, the carpal tunnel in my right wrist is severely aggravated by both appliances, but I’ve actually been burned by the latter. On the forehead, the cheek, and, last week, on my left wrist…where two shiny pink welts remain. I mention all this as mother nature has defeated me, yet again. This morning I got ready, in a time-consuming manner as I often do, before heading out for our morning constitutional. The little man rode in the wagon as we headed to the library to return the Returner DVD. On the way I discovered that, while I had brought the case along, I’d managed to leave the DVD itself at home. Doh! No matter, it’s not due just yet, and we still had a hold item to retrieve. And it was a nice morning for a stroll, despite the misty almost-drizzle. But I could feel the weather working its change. Though it wasn’t until we returned home that I caught a glimpse of my reflection. And the giant wavy puffball that is my hair, looking like I’ve sprouted Dandelion fluff all over my head.

misty morning
imperfect patience
spiky green plant
red red leaves clinging to the cliffside
damp leaves stuck to a driveway