This week’s gloomyass weather hasn’t stopped me from looking ahead. Our flukish Sunday, all sunshine and 88 degrees (with a tornado or two thrown in later on), has kept me fixated on thoughts of summer…and there’s much to look forward to, above and beyond BBQs, picnics and playground visits. The Walker Art Center’s building may be closed, but they have this whole “Walker Without Walls” thing planned. Including Walker in the Rough, an artist-designed mini-golf course set up in the sculpture garden. Cool. As well as a David Byrne performance in June, and the annual outdoor music and movies series starting in July. A little less arty, and a lot closer to home, is the District Del Sol’s own music and movies series…with most of the films already receiving the little man’s stamp of approval. Also in our fair city is something I may end up regretting…but I’m thinking of taking the little man to a St. Paul Saints game this season. The husband and I aren’t sports fans by any means, but the little man has been talking about baseball an awful lot lately. And the Saints games are far less corporate (and less expensive) than the Twins, are outdoors rather than under a dome, and I’ve heard they can be a lot of fun. I think I’ve been unduly influenced…after reading Michael Chabon’s Summerland, and listening to an NPR commentator discuss his favorite baseball films. But all of that is still a ways off. This morning’s rain will keep us daydreaming…while we attend the library’s storytime.