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I’m Two Parts Loner And One Part Joiner

I’m feeling the guilt today. We skipped out on our precinct’s caucuses last night (and missed out on a rocking good time, from the sound of it…Chuck and Lorika are going to be delegates and everything). The husband offered to make pancakes for dinner and I was powerless to resist. Especially as we had fresh blueberries to throw in the batter, blueberry syrup and 100% maple syrup to drizzle over the hotcakes, and some smart bacon and mock sausage patties to have on the side. After having breakfast for dinner I was in my jammies by 7, and cuddling with the little man while re-watching The Princess Bride for the umpteenth time. In other news, this afternoon I’ll be taking my last bus ride for a while…as the Metro Transit workers go on strike tomorrow. But we can follow any developments in one worker’s handy strike blog.
open paint<br />

paintbrushes in<br />
the art project aftermath

the little<br />
prince's discarded smock