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The Show Must Go On

The original venue may have burned down, but these kids are hardcore. The Midwest Hardcore Fest II has been relocated…to some sort of Elk’s Lodge out in the burbs. Hopefully the turnout will still be decent. I’m just glad I’ll get to see Anton after all…and thankful that his band plays early on, so I can get back home to my boys before the little man’s bedtime. As an aside, I took the lad out earlier, to a different suburb. We found out about a free indoor playground, the Northwoods Play Area. It’s a nice little place that is, unfortunately, located in the belly of the beast…Rosedale Mall. At least it’s not at the Death Star. The little man needs places to run around in during the winter, after all, so it’s worth it. As it happens we were in the right place at the right time. I noticed a man distributing Dr. Seuss books throughout the play area. They were from the BookCrossing project. Naturally I grabbed a couple. When we got home I pulled up their records and entered our info. The husband is currently reading them to the little man, but I’ll be taking one with me to the fest…for Anton to release into the wilds of Chicago.