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The Million Dollar Plant

Monday mornings are hard enough as it is…but waking up to discover it’s snowing *and* my site was down, well that only made things go from bad to worse. Thankfully I’ve got the husband. Sometimes that man just cracks me up. Last week we went shopping at the co-op. We had run out of just about everything, so our list was already too long when my will weakened…causing me to make an impulse purchase. Unfortunately I’m the only member of the household who enjoys cranberry sauce, and the co-op sells the stuff in just one size. Too large (and too expensive). I’ll admit…the last time I bought a jar I was guilty of eating one serving and letting the rest go to waste. I promised the husband, and myself, I wouldn’t let that happen this time. I opened the refrigerator this morning to find he’d left me some encouragement. Now if I just had some Tofurky to go along with it.

cranberry sauce = yum