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Brooklyn’s Ambassadors Of Love

Looks like Landmark Theaters (and a select few other arthouses around the country) will be showing “Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns“, the TMBG documentary. Just not in the Twin Cities. Will have to devise a plan to acquire or at least view it. Hmmm. In other movie news, J and I finally got around to watching “Y Tu Mama Tambien” last night and enjoyed it immensely. Holy hotty hotness! Though it often reminded me of irritating road trips I’ve taken with immature punk-rawk boys. And some of the sex scenes, refreshingly realistic though they were, had me squirming a little. I know, I know…that was probably the point. At least it wasn’t that terrible kind of squirming…like the kind caused by Larry Clark’s crapulence. In less lurid news, Tron 2.0 is coming out for PC…twenty-one years later. Looks promising. But my old beater of a machine is having trouble just running their site, so I’m thinking gameplay is out of the question. And finally, came across a lovely little site this morning, astronaut dinosaur (I think I found it via photo zen which, in turn, I’d found via harrumph). I guarantee it will make you smile. But fun-time is over for me. I’ve got some freelance work to attend to, a to do list a mile long, and an extremely bored (and cute) nearly four year-old to contend with. Happy Monday everyone. Sigh.