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The Future Ain’t Tomorrow

Guess I should be reading Complicated Fun more often. Last month I posted a heads up about various movies and music in the park events going on around town. And so did Mr. Scholtes. But his listing was all-inclusive…including a series happening in my own neighborhood. Just call me clueless. I’ve already missed the first six (of eight) events. And the best two films, “The Princess Bride” and “Monsters, Inc.“, have already been shown. Looks like “Airplane!” is lined up for tonight. I enjoyed it when I was a young’n…but mostly because of my Dad’s reaction to it (frequent laughing fits that caused him to shake and turn red in the face). Next week “Shrek” is being shown…a film I didn’t much care for the first time around. Oh well. Next summer I’ll have to pay closer attention to what’s happening in my backyard.