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Now Dig The Pattern Once More

I don’t believe today’s date has any special signifigance…aside from being kinda neat. But other folks place more stock in today’s troika. Some christians, with their long-standing faith in a holy trinity, have organized a World Prayer Team to pray at 3:33pm today. Naturally some are working the numerology angle, claiming that today “would be a great day for people to figure out what speed they’re traveling at as far as what they’re trying to achieve and also how far they are along to reaching their goals.” Wonder what the Skeptical Inquirer folks would have to say about that. Others are just trying to get lucky with the date, in the lottery and other gambling ventures. Personally I see it as a good excuse to listen to a favorite song. “Three is a magic number”, as done by both De La Soul and Schoolhouse Rock. No more, no less. I haven’t heard a third version.