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Everyone Poops

This is so weird. I bought my son underwear today. His first underwear. Well, aside from the “My First Boxersâ„¢” he was given a while back. But those are mainly used as jammies over his diaper. This is the real deal now. And it’s crunch time. The little man turns three in the Fall and will be graduating from his current daycare. I’ve been researching the local montessoris and have already found a favorite. The problem, though, is he can’t begin attending until he is fully potty-trained. Doh. I’ve been reading up on tips and tricks, but we’re nowhere near the finish line on this one. Well, barely past the starting line really. I don’t want to pressure him, but I will be making a concerted effort to get him interested in using the potty. This will likely be dubbed the potty-training summer from hell. Sigh.