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Anomalous Phenomena Attraction

The little man is so excited. Tomorrow night we’re having our first sleepover at J’s new apartment. Complete with sleeping bags and a play tent and Pizza Luce delivery and everything. This transition has been a tough one for the lad. He’s been talking about how, when he’s a grown up, he’ll get an apartment in J’s building. And his apartment will have a full size pool table. The point is, he wishes J still lived with us. And a tiny part of me wishes that too…more for the little man’s sake than mine. But J and I are getting along so much better this way. Last night I half-joked that we should buy a duplex together. We may not work well as roommates, but we’d be great neighbors! Today J suggested apartments in the same building instead, as a duplex would be too much work (he says). But we’ve compromised. The plan will be to buy condominiums in the same building. Preferably a 4-plex. Near a playground. With Pizza Luce delivery. Hey, it could work.

fill in the blanks

Bonus: Yesterday was National Gorilla Suit Day. I only know this because Neil Gaiman pointed me in the right direction, to Penn Jillette’s radio show.

One Comment

  1. shokufeh wrote:

    I like the way your family is handling this transition. Have an awesome sleepover! Watch out that the little man doesn’t put your hand in warm water ;)

    Thursday, February 1, 2007 at 9:25 pm | Permalink

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